Saturday, February 29, 2020
Bride Wars and Year One
They get the wedding planner of their dreams, Marion St Clair who turns out to be the wedding planner of their nightmares and accidently books their weddings on the same day! Neither of them will agree to change their date, so they become enemies. As the tag line quotes â€Å"Even best friends can’t share the same wedding day. †The cake knives are out, but how will everything turn out? â€Å"Year One†is an American film also released in 2009, it is an example of a romantic adventure comedy. It is about two accident-prone Palaeolithic warriors. Jack Black who plays â€Å"Zed â€Å" is a prehistoric would-be hunter he gets kicked out of the tribe in the forest for eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. His side kick, â€Å"Oh†played by Michael Cera is a gatherer and turns up to â€Å"try†and save him. The film is about their adventures set in the prehistoric era trying to save their two friends Maya and Eema. Both girls are from their former tribe and have been captured and sold into slavery, on their travels Zed and Oh meet Biblical characters on route to the city of Sodom. Do they succeed in saving them? Although they are of the same genre they couldn’t be more different films. â€Å"Bride Wars†is set in the 21st century, whereas â€Å"Year One†is set in Palaeolithic era, this means there is a very big contrast between them. Bride Wars gives the impression of being a comedy from the expressions on both the actors’ faces. They are both looking straight into each other’s eyes showing a devious look with a comic smirk, in a horror film there would be no trace of a comic smirk. â€Å"Year One†has the aesthetics of a comedy with Jack Black’s expression being apprehensive and confused, his eyebrow is raised. Michael Cera’s facial expression is one of worried eyes which suggests he is just merely a side kick, and doesn’t really have a say in what Jack is going to do next! â€Å"Bride Wars†gives the impression of comedy on the poster, you would never expect brides to have a â€Å"war†or the weapons to be cake knives. Year One†suggests that it is set in prehistoric times, the first year of man, but the title doesn’t really have a comic sense about it, I believe this is why the director cast Jack Black to star in it, he is a very well known for his comedy roles. People will know that a film with Jack as the main character is going to be entertaining and funny so will choose to see it on that basis. The advertising poster for â€Å"Bride Wars†implies some type of confrontation in the plot. In â€Å"Bride Wars†the actors Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway have a look in their eyes of pure distain. Anne Hathaway is a popular actress with female audiences of all ages. She has featured in many other films such as Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, Devil wears Prada and Brokeback Mountain, again she has a good following. In the poster both young ladies are dressed in wedding dresses this helps to emphases the term â€Å"bride†to look more potent, The actors have their hair down, which suggest a fight is about to break out, as brides nearly always have their hair up in an â€Å"updo†. The poster for â€Å"Year One†doesn’t imply a lot, being dressed in animal cloth relates to the title of the film and lets the audience know that this movie is set in pre-historic times. This leads me to think they might have gotten lost in an adventure, their body language looks like they have just seen something that is confusing or worrying to them. The colours used in each poster have soft tones, nothing potent or eye catching. Except the titles as this is what grabs the audience’s attention as they walk past. â€Å"Bride Wars†uses the colour theme of white and cream, these colours are usually associated with weddings e. g. purity, virgin brides, and wedding dresses, this again emphases the term â€Å"Bride. Year One’s theme is a desert landscape with a blue sky, this suggests it’s a hot day and they might be lost. The actors are the main focus of these posters; this suggests that the films revolve around them. The tag lines are intriguing, the tag line for Bride Wars suggests a confrontation within the film, and the tag line for â€Å"Year One†doesn’t give any clues to the plot of the film. This makes the person reading the poster want to learn more about these tag lines and what happens in the film, these help to grab the audience’s attention to hopefully go and see the film to find out more about them. The bold text in the â€Å"Year One†poster against the desert background makes the text stand out in the poster and catch people eye as they see it. The â€Å"Bride Wars†text on the word bride is similar to the text used on wedding invitations and further relates back to the film title. I think both posters have a target audience. Bride Wars is aimed at female teenagers and also would be appealing to female adults as it is about love and marriage. It is a feminine film, these are sometimes referred to as â€Å"chick flicks. †Year One is more of a teenagers film, not quite as girly as Bride Wars so might appeal to a wider audience. Teenagers are big fans of comedies and new movies that have just been released, they feel they can relate to them as they are light hearted and not serious. These posters inform their intended audience about the film, they try to entice them with intriguing tag lines that make the reader interested and wanting to see the film, and as they say â€Å"curiosity killed the cat. †They also inform people about the name, age certificate, genre, actors, and director, trying to persuade them in every way they can to see their film, to make it a success. In conclusion the posters are about as different as the films, â€Å"Year One†gives very little away about what is going to happen in the film so people will be curious to find out more, and perhaps research the film or discuss with friends what it’s about. Word of mouth is the best advert so getting people to talk about the film is a main goal for the poster. On the other hand the poster for â€Å"Bride Wars†lets you know the plot of the film, so when people see it they can make an instant decisions whether it interests them or not. Seeing two brides holding knives makes your imagination run and you just want to know what is going to happen. Both posters have a different target market, which explains why they are so different as they are tailored to appeal to different audiences. The posters have to grab and get the attention and curiosity of the people that they are aimed at and ultimately encourage them to want to go and see the film. Hopefully after seeing the film they will relay their experiences and enjoyment to other people and that will entice them to see the film too! Bride Wars and Year One They get the wedding planner of their dreams, Marion St Clair who turns out to be the wedding planner of their nightmares and accidently books their weddings on the same day! Neither of them will agree to change their date, so they become enemies. As the tag line quotes â€Å"Even best friends can’t share the same wedding day. †The cake knives are out, but how will everything turn out? â€Å"Year One†is an American film also released in 2009, it is an example of a romantic adventure comedy. It is about two accident-prone Palaeolithic warriors. Jack Black who plays â€Å"Zed â€Å" is a prehistoric would-be hunter he gets kicked out of the tribe in the forest for eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. His side kick, â€Å"Oh†played by Michael Cera is a gatherer and turns up to â€Å"try†and save him. The film is about their adventures set in the prehistoric era trying to save their two friends Maya and Eema. Both girls are from their former tribe and have been captured and sold into slavery, on their travels Zed and Oh meet Biblical characters on route to the city of Sodom. Do they succeed in saving them? Although they are of the same genre they couldn’t be more different films. â€Å"Bride Wars†is set in the 21st century, whereas â€Å"Year One†is set in Palaeolithic era, this means there is a very big contrast between them. Bride Wars gives the impression of being a comedy from the expressions on both the actors’ faces. They are both looking straight into each other’s eyes showing a devious look with a comic smirk, in a horror film there would be no trace of a comic smirk. â€Å"Year One†has the aesthetics of a comedy with Jack Black’s expression being apprehensive and confused, his eyebrow is raised. Michael Cera’s facial expression is one of worried eyes which suggests he is just merely a side kick, and doesn’t really have a say in what Jack is going to do next! â€Å"Bride Wars†gives the impression of comedy on the poster, you would never expect brides to have a â€Å"war†or the weapons to be cake knives. Year One†suggests that it is set in prehistoric times, the first year of man, but the title doesn’t really have a comic sense about it, I believe this is why the director cast Jack Black to star in it, he is a very well known for his comedy roles. People will know that a film with Jack as the main character is going to be entertaining and funny so will choose to see it on that basis. The advertising poster for â€Å"Bride Wars†implies some type of confrontation in the plot. In â€Å"Bride Wars†the actors Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway have a look in their eyes of pure distain. Anne Hathaway is a popular actress with female audiences of all ages. She has featured in many other films such as Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, Devil wears Prada and Brokeback Mountain, again she has a good following. In the poster both young ladies are dressed in wedding dresses this helps to emphases the term â€Å"bride†to look more potent, The actors have their hair down, which suggest a fight is about to break out, as brides nearly always have their hair up in an â€Å"updo†. The poster for â€Å"Year One†doesn’t imply a lot, being dressed in animal cloth relates to the title of the film and lets the audience know that this movie is set in pre-historic times. This leads me to think they might have gotten lost in an adventure, their body language looks like they have just seen something that is confusing or worrying to them. The colours used in each poster have soft tones, nothing potent or eye catching. Except the titles as this is what grabs the audience’s attention as they walk past. â€Å"Bride Wars†uses the colour theme of white and cream, these colours are usually associated with weddings e. g. purity, virgin brides, and wedding dresses, this again emphases the term â€Å"Bride. Year One’s theme is a desert landscape with a blue sky, this suggests it’s a hot day and they might be lost. The actors are the main focus of these posters; this suggests that the films revolve around them. The tag lines are intriguing, the tag line for Bride Wars suggests a confrontation within the film, and the tag line for â€Å"Year One†doesn’t give any clues to the plot of the film. This makes the person reading the poster want to learn more about these tag lines and what happens in the film, these help to grab the audience’s attention to hopefully go and see the film to find out more about them. The bold text in the â€Å"Year One†poster against the desert background makes the text stand out in the poster and catch people eye as they see it. The â€Å"Bride Wars†text on the word bride is similar to the text used on wedding invitations and further relates back to the film title. I think both posters have a target audience. Bride Wars is aimed at female teenagers and also would be appealing to female adults as it is about love and marriage. It is a feminine film, these are sometimes referred to as â€Å"chick flicks. †Year One is more of a teenagers film, not quite as girly as Bride Wars so might appeal to a wider audience. Teenagers are big fans of comedies and new movies that have just been released, they feel they can relate to them as they are light hearted and not serious. These posters inform their intended audience about the film, they try to entice them with intriguing tag lines that make the reader interested and wanting to see the film, and as they say â€Å"curiosity killed the cat. †They also inform people about the name, age certificate, genre, actors, and director, trying to persuade them in every way they can to see their film, to make it a success. In conclusion the posters are about as different as the films, â€Å"Year One†gives very little away about what is going to happen in the film so people will be curious to find out more, and perhaps research the film or discuss with friends what it’s about. Word of mouth is the best advert so getting people to talk about the film is a main goal for the poster. On the other hand the poster for â€Å"Bride Wars†lets you know the plot of the film, so when people see it they can make an instant decisions whether it interests them or not. Seeing two brides holding knives makes your imagination run and you just want to know what is going to happen. Both posters have a different target market, which explains why they are so different as they are tailored to appeal to different audiences. The posters have to grab and get the attention and curiosity of the people that they are aimed at and ultimately encourage them to want to go and see the film. Hopefully after seeing the film they will relay their experiences and enjoyment to other people and that will entice them to see the film too!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
A Constitution and bylaws for a fictional church Research Paper
A Constitution and bylaws for a fictional church - Research Paper Example It will bear full control over all purchases and leases and to hold all mortgages with the right to dispose of property and assets [c] A reception for new members shall be held on a Sunday appointed by the board of Elders and Deacons for their admission to the church and recognition of all of their rights, privileges and responsibilities to the church. Section V11: The church membership list shall be reviewed before each Annual General Meeting to determine those members who have become inactive by the Board of Elders and Deacons. Any members who are regularly attending another church or who have not supported the church in the preceding twelve months may be placed on an inactive list and notified of this action, by the Pastor, at their last known address. Inactive members shall not be eligible to vote in church matters or receive a letter of transfer. [a] If they have abided by the rules in Article 1V, sections 2a to 2g and requested a letter of transfer. Such letter will be sent by the Clerk of the Church to the Church to which the members has applied. [b] Any member may, for whatever reason, apply to the board of Elders and Deacons to have their name taken from the list of members, without prejudice, and this request will be reviewed by the board of Elders and Deacons. [c] After a review by the board of Elders and Deacons and a vote of the church, a membership may be terminated for behavior regarded as not being in the best interest of the church or against the rules and regulations set out in this constitution. Pastor:[a1] It is the duty of the pastor to conduct all public Public Services of Worship. To perform Baptisms and Communion and all other ministry functions. He will be the leader of his congregation and visit the sick and aged. He will sit on all boards and committees of the church and have full access to all church records upon request. The Pastor will head the Pastors council. [a4] The pastors position may
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Han Poems ( Chinese Poetry ) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Han Poems ( Chinese Poetry ) - Research Paper Example It is worthwhile to note that the Han dynasty led to the development of different poetic forms. Thirdly, China has the modern period poetry that is characterized by westernized free poetry structure (Maghiel Van Crevel 405). The Han poetry also known as classical poetry was developed during the Han period. This is the period during which, the Chu lyrics advanced and evolved into the fu lyric. In this lyrical pattern, a poem is simply in rhymed verse except for the introduction and the concluding passages, which are in prose. More often, the introductory and concluding parts of the poem are in the systematic form of questions and answers. This form is often referred to as poetic essay. For instance, Xi Kang’s Qin Fu is a perfect of the poetic form in this context. The Han poetry was also characterized by the yue fu poems ( The yue fu poems are simply song lyrics that were inclusive of indigenous folk songs as well as, versions of renowned artists such as Li Bai. T he literary history of Chinese history was dominated by the fu genre which is a descriptive prose combined with verse. The Han period is described as an important cultural flowering age of the Chinese poetry. ... , the emergence of the Han poetry, Confucius has the credit of revolutionizing the Han poetry due to his effort in educating pupils on poetry by use of the book of songs whose impact on Chinese literature led to the undisputed success of the Chinese poetry. Undisputedly, the vigor and realism of the Han art inclusive of poetry is notably among the most sophisticated periods in Chinese lengthy history. Most people fond of art are curious to find out the founder of the Han poetry who is none other than Liu Pang. Liu Pang ( In a comprehensive detail, the Han poetry was written during the period dating back to 206 B.C-A.D.220. The Han dynasty lasted during this period. The form of writing was simply the â€Å"yuefu†style. A later period of the Eastern Han was characterized by poems, which were in the form of five characters in each line. The repetitive use of five characters in each line stood out as the distinguishable attribute that achieved melodious smoother effect evoking subtler human feelings. The Han poetry was written in the form of the fu genre until the classical period when it began to develop into the modern known as Shi form. In contrast to the fu genre, the Shi form has seven characters in each line. The Han poetry entailed the use of an adopted persona to address a wide range of topics in the ancient Chinese society (Maghiel Van Crevel 344). Concisely, the Han poetry is a reflection of the territorial expansion of China hence the purpose for which it was written was to record the history of China. During the Han period, China experienced a drastic development in knowledge, which led to its tremendous expansion linking it to other countries such as Syria, Iran and India. The Han poetry gives a detailed account of the sorrow filled,
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