Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Blood Pressure & Pulse during exercise Essay
Introduction: The blood pressure of a person is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries per unit area. The blood pressure unit is mmHg. The blood pressure of an individual is expressed in two ways, the systolic (due to the contraction of the ventricle) and diastolic, (due to the relaxation of the ventricle). The normal blood pressure of an individual is 120/80 (systolic / diastolic). Various factors can alter a person’s blood pressure; this includes exercise, smoking, stress, diseases and age. Materials and Methods: Stepping stool, timer, blood pressure measurement kit (Sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope) and students in-groups of four. In each group one student acted as a patient, while the other acted as a physician or nurse. Another acted as the timekeeper. The fourth student acted as the data recorder. The base-line pulse rate and blood pressure of the patient (student) were obtained. The patient was asked to perform stepping – up and down the stool 30 X within 5 minutes. After the stepping stool exercise, the patient’s blood pressure and pulse rate were immediately obtained again. After resting for 2 minutes, the measurements were repeated and also after 5 minutes. In order to obtain more data each student in the group acted as a patient and the measurements were repeated.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Conflicts in “Ashes for the Wind†Essay
In the short story â€Å"Ashes For the Wind†by Hernando Tellez, the author uses conflicts to develop the theme that sometimes we have to sacrifice our life to fight corruption. Juan, the protagonist, is a tenant who lives a peaceful life in the village with his wife Carmen and a new born baby. He involves in an external conflict when the corrupt government orders his family to move out of their own place. At the beginning of the story, Arevalo visits Juan’s farm house and tells him â€Å"it would be best for you to clear out†. He then recalls his unpleasant encounter of the same man and a policeman in town; they treat him unfairly. With the policeman carrying whip, and others refusing to sell him oil, Juan senses he is in a bad situation. Moreover, Juan’s external conflict causes his internal conflict since he now faces the dilemma of whether they should move out of their own home. He struggles to find an answer because either way they have to sacrifice something. On one hand he doesn’t want to give up his own place and let the authority wins; On the other hand he jeopardizes his family’s life if they don’t move out. A second intimidating visit soon comes. A Police man fires at his place and Arevalo just stands there â€Å"with hanging head†. In the end Juan chooses to stay in the farm with his wife and son, so they all die in a set up fire. Both external and intenal conflicts are resolved here when the authority appears to win but in fact the author sends out a message that people should not be intimidated and should stand up to corruption like Juan and his family do.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Literary Research Analysis Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Literary Analysis - Research Paper Example His sophisticated, quick-witted appeal was but a Trojan horse for collective criticism. But don’t bother  there are the anecdotes, as well. Lev Grossman was one of many others who admired Diaz's hilarity, describing that Oscar Wao would be unhappy if it were not for its instants of cheerfulness. In other words, His story about the lack of real affection has so much vitality and life. (The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, 2007) But now what? Most recent short fiction by Junot Diaz, â€Å"This Is How You Lose Her†, is a makeshift between novels. It includes stories that have been printed nearly entirely in The New Yorker, either as advance promotional campaign for its inauguration announcement or as morsels from the Drown era, and all relate to now-familiar Diaz situations, in now-familiar shots of viewpoint. When you look out on the snowy and infertile New Jersey, on lavish and quit hot Santo Domingo; one hunts and locates the street after a disdained lover who is shouting load at you in Spanish; you make love in cellars, among images of relatives. Mothers appear as shadowy form and condemn. Fathers go away and misjudged. By concentrating on only his expertise of these now familiar epitomes, his calling of "diverse creations†to one’s mind, his strikes of "high-low" references, one is not actually talking about the basics of Diaz’s work. One is not able to just describe Diaz's literature without describing rape and the affection that sufferers consequently pursue. The 2 main subjects of Diaz’s work are agreement and control, which are indescribable ideas, he possibly can contend, without any word regarding sexuality and intimate desecration. When someone considers this writing "erotic" and â€Å"diamond sharp,†he\she is not mistaken, but it is not everything. There is much more about it. (Diaz, 2012) Diaz read in his narrative voice in a latest discussion with The Boston Review: â€Å"What’s the r eason behind Yunior being such a dog? Just due to? Or is there something deeper? Dwell on it: isn’t indulging in promiscuous (casual and indiscriminate) sexual relations another archetypal reaction to sexual abuse? Obsessive and continuous promiscuity is surely Yunior’s issue. An obsessive and regular promiscuity that is a countrywide manly epitome in some ways and whose origins I find in the suffering of our sexually abused antiquities. As I described: it’s perhaps not there whatsoever  too understated. However, the reality of Yunior’s rape surely assisted me create the topical economy of the book.†The disclosure of the fact that his reputed tenacious speech originates from a past of sexual abuse is surprising. This fact-based aspect is not even partially exposed in Oscar Wao, a book that encourages to rape, yet it is the key subject of the fiction â€Å"Miss Lora,†the last but one chapter in â€Å"This Is How You Lose Her†. The story of a rape permitted or enacted by statute described from the viewpoint of the slight, â€Å"Miss Lora†represents the relation in question as a seduction. But the question here needed to be asked and answered is that whose seduction is it? The emotional states of Yunior for his neighbour, a sinewy middle-aged woman, are already prevalent when she first dallies with him straightly. There is some strange stuff written by Diaz and that hurts the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Models of Object Recognition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Models of Object Recognition - Essay Example This is simply 'object recognition'. When a lion approaches us, we realise through prior knowledge that the animal is known to be ferocious, dangerous and sometimes doesn't hesitate to kill. With this information we are able to make instant decisions as to the next course of action. A meal at a dinner table tells us it is edible and we can approach it. This 'spatial localisation' is the establishing of where objects are in the surrounding space and time, and is also an important aspect for survival. Another factor necessary for survival is 'perceptual constancy'. This is when objects, although the eyes perceive them to be in motion, are kept constant in terms of appearance. Object recognition, spatial localisation and perceptual constancy are the three main characteristics of perception. One theory that aims to explain object recognition and constancy is Marr's theory which concerns itself with visual processing. It is also called the computational approach which involves taking two dimensional images and extracting valuable three-dimensional information from them. This theory requires examining the levels of grey in an image, creating a rough sketch, then a 2.5D sketch and representing the image as a 3D model. Marr's model of object recognition is concerned with drafting out representations of objects with increasing amount of information. The first step in this representation is creating the raw or full primal sketch. Raw primal sketches contain data regarding the light intensity variations of a shape or scene. A full primal sketch makes use of this data to determine how many outlines and objects are contained within the scene. The light intensity changes provided in the raw primal sketch gives the level of grey representation contained within the pixels of the i mage. Computation on the properties shape can begin when it has become coloured i.e. detached from the background. Properties like symmetry, centre of mass, size aspect ratios are likely to offer clues as to the object's identity. The centre of mass or medial axis from the skeleton of the object is crucial to analysing the shape of the object. The use of structural primitives and spatial relationships to represent an object lies in the determination of the medial axis. This would enable us to construct a 3D model of the object. Marr explains that a 2.5D surface sketch helps to represent the visible surface. A computer vision system could reconstruct the surface with this process. Boundary detection is difficult even with advanced edge locators, but can be achieved by surface reconstruction. The other model is Biederman's 'recognition by components' theory views all object and forms as being comprised of basic geometrical forms or 'geons'. Pattern recognition therefore is the simple identifying of these separate components. But objects need not necessarily be comprised of different components for them to be recognisable. Simple line drawings may suffice. The drawings of matchstick men, or outlines of cars or buildings, are still recognisable. Additional information such as size, colour, orientation, surface quality paints the whole picture, but it is the overall shape that is of primary importance (Biederman in Atkinson 2000, pp 164). When a silhouette of a four legged animal is shown, it is fairly easy to identify
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Roman Abramovich Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Roman Abramovich - Essay Example 3. Qualifications: This literature review has its limitations in that literature used for the study of Roman Abramovich is limited to the articles on Roman Abramovich found in the local library and in the JSTOR and EBSCO databases and the information yielded through the Google search engine. It would have been better to have used more databases to widen the panorama of information on Roman Abramovich, but this could not be done as access to other data bases could not be secured. Another issue is that all the information available is through secondary sources. A personal interview with Roman Abramovich would have provided his perspective of his rise and growth and the manner in which he has been responsible this spectacular success in the business world. This has not been possible as access for a personal interview of Roman Abramovich is not within the scope of this exercise. Thus this study of Roman Abramovich operates within these limitations. 4. Roman Abramovich 4.1. The Humble Beginning: Roman Abramovich was born on October 24, 1966 in the town of Saratov on the banks of the river Volga in Southern Russia. His father was a construction worker. He lost his mother soon from blood poisoning, which was closely followed by the death of his father in a construction site accident. This left Roman Abramovich an orphan before his third birthday (Smith, 2006). He was adopted by his father's brother and went to live for some time with him in Moscow and from there to his maternal grandparents in the northern region of Komi. Roman Abramovich studied at the Industrial Institute, which was located in the city of Ukhta in Komi. He was drafted into the army and completed his draft time in... The list of elite properties that he owns includes a fifty-four million dollar townhouse in Belgravia, a ten million dollar townhouse in Knightsbridge, and a 440-acre estate in West Sussex that was once owned by the King of Jordan He also owns a ten million St Tropez villa, two super yachts and a Boeing 767. Roman Abramovich is a lavish spender on things that he likes. On 2003, he purchased a majority stake in the Chelsea Football Club for a princely sum of $233 million and then lavished another $470 million spent on players to make the club a force to reckon with in the English Premier League and the European Club Football scenario. He continues to underwrite $200 million towards the annual salaries of the club. The rise of Roman Abramovich from a poor orphan to among the richest ten men in the world sounds like a fairy tale, but behind this spectacular success lies a man full of characteristics that have propelled him on towards this path of fame. In a land that needs deft and quic k positioning, Roman Abramovich has been fast in spotting opportunities and utilizing them. He has shown the patience to wait for the right opportunity to make his move, and the humility to suppress his ego when the times demand it. His political shrewdness is remarkable ability to locate where the true political power lies and keeps in the good books of it. He is not daunted by setbacks and to go after his vision. With these qualities, it is no wonder that the rise of Roman Abramovich has been spectacular.
Community corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Community corrections - Essay Example Furthermore, community correction officers are now being required to perform more duties for the criminals as compared to the past and their salaries have not been increased in compliance with the increase in their duties. The policy makers need to read this article and realize and accept these issues and increase the funding of community corrections and increase the salaries paid to community correction officers. Furthermore, the policy makers even need to increase in the number of community correction officers to share the workload. The article is even very helpful for those who are pursuing a career in the field of criminal justice system or who aspire to become the administrators of community correction. It informs them about the challenges they will be facing in future as community correction managers as well as community correction officers. This article can even be used by students and educationists to research the field of community corrections and find solutions to the probl ems faced by this
Friday, July 26, 2019
To what extent can employers terminate employment on the grounds of Essay
To what extent can employers terminate employment on the grounds of poor performance - Essay Example This gives an idea about the basic rights which the employees have to be careful about, even if dismissed due to poor performance. This mentions the problems created for the employers when they find it hard to terminate the employees, despite their poor performance because of the high dismissal costs and other compensatory remedies they may be asked by the Tribunals to pay. This explains the topic of employment termination in relation to the employment tribunals and explains the different types of claims which are frequently brought in the Tribunals. This also details the important elements which should be scrutinized before settling the claims. This essay is a discussion about a gravely sensitive issue i.e. employment termination in UK on the grounds of poor performance. The discussion is mainly emphasized on how employers, employees and tribunals separately should deal with this issue. First part is about the various conditions and legal formalities enforced by laws which have to be scrutinized by the employers before finalizing employment termination. Second part reflects how employees can use different rights for unfair dismissal once they are handed over termination notices and the consequences faced by the terminated poor performers. Third part of the essay reveals necessary things to be considered by the Tribunals when they have to deal with the cases of employment termination and ensure fair dismissal. Poor or immature performance is an issue that particularly infuriates employers because this is something directly related to the reputation of an organization and which drastically reduced the overall productivity. But regardless of the threats imposed by poor performance, should the display of such unprofessionalism always resolutely lead to termination of employment straight-off? This is a question which should always be considered before making a decision against an employee, since this
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Baseball in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Baseball in the United States - Essay Example Americans were not used to aristocracy and as a result, they had to choose from a wide range of activities that made them happy. It is of paramount importance to note that baseball can be played by everyone regardless of age, sex, or gender as opposed to soccer, which must be played by physically fit players. Although baseball balls are cheaper than soccer balls, the latter involves more players and spectators because it is played in an open space (Guttmann, 2012). Most modern sports are timed, but baseball can go on if there is competition because the weaker team tries its best to retire the better side. This makes baseball more interesting to American society because everybody is involved. American society is used to have a democratic way of life and they find this in baseball. Although admirers of golf, soccer, and football believe that the games are democratic, baseball fans see it as the most democratic game the world has ever seen. European and other societies view baseball as a boring game because of the interruptions, which occur during the game, but it has to be understood that the interruptions give the spectator enough time to calculate the arithmetic involved in the game. This is unlike other games such as soccer and football, which are continuous (Guttmann, 2012). According to Ross (2012), baseball is a pastoral game that creates a feeling of harmony to the spectator; it is worth noting that the game takes one from the bustle and hustle of city life to a traditional setting.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Business Organisation and Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business Organisation and Policy - Essay Example Strategic management has commonly been portrayed as revolving around the discrete phases of formulation, implementation, and control, carried out in almost cascading steps (Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel, 2008). These are three steps of the planned corporate approach to strategy involves a formal process to strategy formation: problem awareness, the development of solutions and the selection of a solution (Forbes and Fletcher, 2006). In the same context, Marlo (2006) denoted a planned corporate strategy comprising of a declaration of specific and expressed intentions, supported with formal controls. Jauch and Osborn (2006) commented with his realization that towards a successful outcome of the strategy, a firm structure is necessary for an organization. Hence all decisions made from the top management can be carried out throughout the organization, with the "people" convinced and act in ways that are expected to create desirable results ad hoc to the plan. Therefore, strategy-making authority rests with top management, committing a centralized power in an organization. In view of the forward looking nature of a planned corporate strategy, Mazzolini (2008) observed that goals or objective fulfillments are the critical outcome of the strategy. In a foresight, Snow and Hambrick (2007) notes that the planned co... Harrison and Philips (2006) found out that a planned corporate strategy is often billed as a future oriented activity, merely projecting the recent past into the future. Through this process, it carries out operational planning, project planning and strategic planning constantly, making sure that top management holds the influence and control for the undertaking in the future. The basic concept behind planned corporate strategy is just exactly what the name implies meaning that it is planned corporate therefore at best a guess/forecast which then is the basis for any type of decision making. Typically, organisations will "plan"/forecast variables that they foresee that will have an future impact on their business, so they anticipate certain events to occur in the future, and as a result of this anticipation they design and implement a strategy to effectively allocate the proper resources in place to either minimise or maximise respectively the negative or positive effects of the event. In essence, it allows an organization to "see the bigger picture" of the challenges and opportunities ahead of them. Any form of planned corporate strategy will contain some element of contingency planning, though not much, but these contingencies are not the focal point of planned corporate strategy. Opponents of this type of strategy believe that this strategy is at best a guess, which could be totally wrong. An example of such a strategy failing was the lack of business planners to adequately factor "terrorism issues" in their business planning, The business planners in the airline industry were hit the hardest during 9/11, as their planned corporate strategy had no contingency to
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Personal Statement about Elctronics engineering Essay
Personal Statement about Elctronics engineering - Essay Example The hope to develop a capacity to assemble electrical components into a device for constructive application such as processing and transmission of information has for example encouraged me to study electronics engineering. I also look forward to undertake a future research into innovation of a cheaper and more efficient radio waves transmission device. Application of ‘active electrical components’ for completing circuits into electrical applications is what interests me the most in the course because it exhibits capacity to power appliances. This interest encouraged me to participate in voluntary work in an electronics company in my locality where I gained knowledge and skills in identification and testing of electronic components, and basic connectivity of appliances. Electronics engineering also directly fits into my career, being an electrical engineer, as it is a recognized academic qualification into the profession. I desire to pursue my course in the UK because of the international recognition of its universities for quality education that will give me an advantage in the international job market. I would also like to assure the faculty that I have made necessary arrangements for finances to facilitate my uninterrupted study. Besides my academic interest in your institution, I am likely to add to the institution’s competitiveness through participation in football and swimming competitions since these are my developed and refined hobbies. Portsmouth 2012, Advice on personal statements, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, viewed 17 June 2012, <
Monday, July 22, 2019
Continental Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Continental Philosophy Essay When beginning the study of philosophy it is hard to believe that there are so many components involved with one subject. But in reality philosophy is really a broad term for many subtopics; as is the case when discussing continental philosophy, which is the philosophical tradition of continental Europe including phenomenology and existentialism. It all began with Absolute Idealism supported by such philosophers as Fichte and Hegel. It was during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that immense amounts of historical changes taking place in the world were showing in the philosophical movements of that time period. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel begins the historical analysis of continental philosophy since it all begins with his theories. Though Hegel’s philosophies have been described as difficult his theories form the foundation for what is now known as Hegelian idealism. His theory has four main themes. The first is dependant on the â€Å"Absolute†and states that the â€Å"Absolute†is that which is most real and true and which can also think for itself. The second is based on idealism and he speaks of the objective world being an â€Å"expression of infinite thought†(Moore Bruder 2005) and that each individuals mind thought processes actually are reflections on themselves. The third theory is based on reality. For Hegel this was not an easy concept. To try to make it easier to understand our book tries to describe it as being similar to mathematics in that everything is coherently connected to another. So in order for something to be completely true it is dependant on all its parts to make it so. Then the forth theory is known as â€Å"The Absolute†and is the â€Å"sum total of reality; is a system of conceptual triads . . . the entire system of thought and reality . . . is an integrated whole in which each proposition is logically interconnected with the rest†(2005). As the nineteenth century turned into the twentieth century what seemed to transpire in philosophy was a direct result of Hegel himself. The response to Hegelian idealism in Europe became known as Continental philosophy which includes the two branches of thought that will be explored, existentialism and phenomenology. Existentialism is a philosophical movement with its main emphasis on individual existence, freedom, and choice. Existentialism became popularized in the 1900’s. Mainly due to what was happening during World War II, many of the popular existentialists were affected by the traumatic world events of that time period. Albert Camus was profoundly affected by World War II and this was depicted throughout his many writings. According to our reading he saw much suffering and despair prior to the war even starting. He eventually became active in social reform and was a member of the communist party for a brief period of time. Even though he will forever be connected to the world of existentialism, he never accepted that to be true. Regardless of his beliefs to whether or not he was an existentialist his thought process has been forever linked. Considered to be a literary genius of his time he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957. During the war, Camus published a number of works which have become associated with his principle thought processes on the â€Å"absurd†: his idea is mainly that it is impossible to make rational sense of ones experience, and human life is made meaningless by mortality. World War II brought Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre together. Sartre is arguably the most famous existentialist. Unlike Camus, Sartre was an atheist. His main beliefs revolve around the fact that there is in fact no God. For Existentialists like Sartre, the absence of God has a much larger significance than the metaphysics of creation: Without God there is no purpose, no value, and no meaning in the world. Phenomenology is the second branch of Continental philosophy that has historical connections to Hegelian idealism and thus existentialism. Phenomenology is the direct result of Edmund Husserl’s philosophies. According to Husserl, the goal of philosophy was to describe the data of consciousness without bias or prejudice, ignoring all metaphysical and scientific theories in order to accurately describe and analyze the data gathered by human senses and the mind. â€Å"Phenomenology, in theory, simply explores conscious experience without making any metaphysical assumptions†(2005). Martin Heidegger was another popular phenomenologist of the twentieth century. He was inspired by Husserl’s works. â€Å"Heidegger, too, was convinced that it was necessary to look at things with fresh eyes, unshrouded by the presuppositions of the present and past†(2005). According to him humans are actually â€Å"ignorant†to everything, what he called the â€Å"true nature of Being†(2005). It all goes back to Socrates and our inner search for something. In reality however Heidegger and Socrates philosophies are not similar in anyway. To define humans as animals capable of rational thinking is for Heidegger a distorted anthropology. He is not concerned with destroying logic, the ability to formulate analogies, or to display ratios. His mission is to preserve the fragile tendencies of spontaneous thought processes. By so doing Heidegger sees himself as presenting the phenomenal world. Continental philosophy is a form of philosophy that broadens the gap across the continents. It was the form of philosophy that took place in continental Europe during the twentieth century. It was during that time that the main philosophers of that time were being influenced by the terror and violence that was surrounding them thanks in part due to World War II. This influential time saw the rise in existentialism and phenomenology. References Moore, B. N. Bruder, K. (2005). Philosophy: The power of ideas (6th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Islam Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Islam Worksheet Essay When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they are practiced, and the distinctions among the three branches: Shiite Islam, Sunni Islam, and Sufism. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following directives and note where there are differences among the three branches of Islam. 1. Explain the meaning of the name, Islam. Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Quran, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God, and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, [ considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. 2. Explain the basic concepts of Islam. Is an unerringly monotheistic religion. It enjoins the existence of one God, his prophet Muhammad who is the Last Prophet in a long line of prophets sent throughout time and to every civilization, and the Quran as the Word of God revealed to Muhammad through the angel Jibrael. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of life is to worship him and to adhere to his word, as laid down in the Quran, and in Sunnah , as closely as possible. They believe that Islam is the final, completed and universal version of a faith revealed too many prophets before; most notably Abraham, Moses and Jesus, but whose message has now been distorted. Describe the practices of Islam. They go to church in cathedral mosques (Jamia), in which sermons are preached and congregational prayers are offered up for the reigning Sultan every Friday. Besides these there are about one hundred and eighty Muslim oratories or chapels (Mesjà ®d), to many of which schools are attached. Prayers are also frequently said at the grated windows of the little shrines or tomb-houses of celebrated welys, or saints, which are numerous in Damascus. Men of the higher classes rarely go to the mosques except on Fridays, as they can command proper places for ceremonial ablution and prayer in their own houses; but to a Muslim of the lower ranks, a large mosque which is open every day from sunrise to sunset or later, is like a second home. 3. Describe the goals of Islam. The 4. Describe the view of authority in Islam. philosophy, and the arts in the Muslim world. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following questions. Provide examples to illustrate your thinking. 1. What is the legal ideal in Islamic law? How does the Qur’an inform and guide Muslims in attaining this ideal? 2. What is the relationship between philosophy and theology within Islam? Is it acceptable for Muslims to hold separate philosophical and theological beliefs? 3. What artistic themes are regularly expressed in Islamic art and architecture? How are these themes explored? How has the Qur’an influenced the development of art in the Islamic world?
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Physical Activity Interventions for Postpartum Depression
Physical Activity Interventions for Postpartum Depression One of the most hazardous occasions for women to indicate depressive symptoms is the period that follows childbirth (Robertson, Celasun Stewart, 2003). According to (2015) the percentage of women that are likely to experience symptoms of postpartum depression ranges between 9% and 16%. According to the same source (, 2015) new mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression lose the ability to cope with everyday tasks and infant care and are prone to experience stress and melancholia. Robertson,Celasun Stewart,(2003) underline the correlation of the postpartum depression symptomatology with symptoms of severe depression such as lack of energy, low mood and loss of the ability to experience pleasure and report the probable presence of suicidal thoughts. The same researchers also address this complex disorder for new mothers as a severe health issue that affects the immediate family of the women and pinpoint the need to provide efficient solutions to the target population. According to the official website physical activity has been identified as one of the most prevalent options of treatment of mild depression and evidence supports the coping skills physical activity provides to depressive patients.The website also informs that the psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and interpersonal therapy, are the first choice of treatment for moderate postnatal depression to women with no psychiatric history. Robertson, Celasun Stewart,(2003) associate the lack of evidence on successful physical activity interventions as potential alternative treatment for postpartum depression with the undermining of the disease by patients and health professionals, particularly when there is scientific evidence on the positive impact of physical activity on depressive symptomatology(, 2009). Currie, Develin, (2002) acknowledge the lack of leisure time due to childcare and financial struggle as potential barriers for mothers with postnatal depression to engage to physical activity programmes. The meta-analyses conducted by Dennis Dowswell(2013) on postnatal depression revealed that, compared to standard treatment ,when women received interventions with psychological or psychosocial context, they were less inclined to develop symptoms of the condition. In their meta-analysis, Daley, Jolly, MacArthur(2009) did not attain evidence to support the replacement of traditional treatment of post-natal depression , with exercise interventions that can deliver results as successful as standard treatment. In a meta analysis (Dally, Jolly, MacArthur,2009)pram –walking group intercessions have been reviewed as easily accessible to women that are diagnosed with postnatal depression and are promoted by well-being practitioners as beneficial. The findings also indicate that Intervention focused on aerobics have successfully reduced the levels of depression for mothers and it might be profitable for future interventions targeting PND to include a mixture of aerobic and mild exercise. The first intervention to be discussed is conducted by Armstrong Edwards(2004), where they designed a 12-week randomised controlled trial for women that have delivered a baby in the past year. The aim of the RCT was to investigate the impact of a physical activity intervention group which involved pram-strolling women with their infants contrasted with the control group that provided social support. Kanotra et al(2007) acknowledge social support as one of the basic needs that arise for women postpartum.The meetings of the social support group were non-organized. In the pre-intervention stage of physical wellness, depression levels and social support were evaluated by quantitative measures. The same measures evaluated the effects after the 12th week when the Intervention was completed. The aim of the Intervention was for the pram-strolling group to indicate a decrease of the symptoms of postnatal depression while enhancing their wellness levels. The enhancement of the social support levels of both groups and the participants’ perspectives of the activities were defined as secondary endpoints. The researchers deduced that pram-strolling groups, integrated with psychological treatment and medication, can provide a cost-effective alternative form of coping with postnatal depression and improving their personal lives, especially when traditional treatment fails to provide efficient results. Robertson, Cesalun, Stewart (2013) acknowledge the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Rating Scale (EPDS), a set of 10 question self-rating scale as the most efficient and approximate to medically evaluated measures for depression. The researchers (Armstrong Edwards, 2004) supported that there was a correlation among fitness and depression; the improvement of the one had a significant effect on the improvement of the other. The results supported this rationale. The authors also suggested that other factors could influence the amelioration with regards to the depression levels.. The findings of the trial showed that in the first group, the symptoms of depression were diminished as well as the physical condition of the mothers was considerably ameliorated. Furthermore, social support was sustained at the same levels for the two groups. Although one of the hypothesis was confirmed, several weaknesses of the study have been acknowledged by the researchers that can undermine the value of the trial and establish it as not applicable to new mothers with postnatal depression(Armstrong Edwards,2004). As it has not been supported by evidence that the Cornish Walking Wheel, which was the measure used for fitness evaluation, can provide an accurate representation of â€Å"the maximum volume of oxygen consumption (VO2max)†(Armstrong Edwards, 2004, pp.6), it is not a reliable measure for fitness evaluation and needs to be examined in future research. Although it is acknowledged that the researchers tried to evaluate the Cornish Walking Wheel in the pilot study they conducted, this evaluation is not sufficient for the fitness measure to be perceived as reliable for fitness evaluation and future research on physical activity interventions of postnatal depression can explore the validity of the measure. Another weakness of the trial as recognised by Armstong Edwards(2004) is the choice of Social Support Interviews (SSI) in the Social Support Group. Although the questionnaire has been used in previous research (O’Hara,1995), it was not assessed for this Intervention against other validated measures. The authors recognise that the lack of results on the levels of social support could be attributed to the brief span of the trial and the measurement’s inability to recognise even mild variation of the social support levels provided to the targeted population. In order for Interventions to be reliable measurement-wise, Armstong Edwards (2004) suggest that the formulation of appropriate measures for each exercise group of postnatal women needs to be established. Armstrong Edwards(2004) raise another issue regarding the small sample of the trial (19 participants) which does not allow the results of the interventions to be generalized. Some other traits that confine the generalizability of the findings include the demographic homogeneity of the trial’s participants as well as the correlation of their high educational, socioeconomic background and regional proximity. As a result, the findings of the interventions, although successful to an extent, they are not applicable to different populations. In order to confirm the success of the randomised controlled trial for postnatal depression focused on pram- walking activities, future trials should be designed to target demographic heterogeneity and the recruitment of participants from various ethnical and socioeconomical backgrounds(Armstrong Edwards,2004). The second study of choice is a pilot study conducted in the UK. In their pilot study Gillinsky, Hughes McInnes(2012) executed a randomized controlled trial that consists of two groups with exercise courses and one 10-week body with pram-strolling activities. The pilot study aims to alter the behaviour of exercise and physical wellbeing and research the efficiency of behavioural and motivational intercessions. The application of accelerometers in the MAMMiS trial (Gillinsky, Hughes McInnes,2012) provides validity to the trial by measuring impartially the levels of physical activity of the participants for a week. The fact that the accelerometer is on for all the wakening hours of their daily schedule is one of the criteria to differentiate this study to more traditional ones on postnatal depression, is ithe fact that it provides flexibility to the daily schedules of new mothers by measuring the physical activity around the clock. One of the advantages of the study is the design (RCT),due to the nature of randomised controlled trials providing evidence that the results of an intervention are caused by the treatment option via randomization(,2015) and the 12-week follow-up after the intervention is completed. One of the limitations of this trial is that it is a pilot study and pilot studies are implemented to locate certain weaknesses and modify them in order to design a larger, successful trial. Pilot studies explore the potential of an intercession and their results should not be taken at face value, especially because the sample sizes of a pilot study are always small(Leon, Davis Kraemer,2011).Furthermore, the efficacy of the study is potentially limited due to the fact that the trial is delivered by only one health-care professional and to a specific population in the Scottish countryside. In order to design successful intercessions of physical activity on PND based on this pilot study, the target population and the researchers involved need to be distinctive(Gillinsky, Hughes McInnes,2012). On an analysis focused on the impact of exercise on depressive symptoms Daley, Jolly McArthur(2009) concluded that physical activity interventions can be successful only as complementary treatments of postnatal depression, as there was no evidence to indicate successful rates when patients replace standard treatment(medication and psychological support) with exercise. Strà ¶hle (2008) in his paper reaches the same conclusion by arguing that although exercise has not been assessed on delivering clinically valid findings and as a result it cannot be applied instead of traditional treatment, whose clinical value is established. However, he acknowledges the helpful reaction exercise has on depression and encourages future researchers to investigate the appropriate duration and regularity of physical activity interventions(Strà ¶hle,2008). In addition, Robertson, Celasun Stewart(2003), recognise as unlikely for researchers to develop a single effective treatment option for the whole po pulation of postnatal depression, considering there is a variety of probable factors than can lead to the development of postnatal depression. Nevertheless, they underline the demand for sufficient evidence that can be used as a manual from professionals in primary and secondary care.(Robertson, Celasun Stewart,2003). Conclusively, it has been reviewed that studies investigating the efficiency of physical activity on postpartum depression (Daley, Jolly McArthur, 2009) lack sufficient follow-up findings and are characterised by small samples. These two factors indicate that postnatal depression interventions targeting exercise have not been sufficiently explored and future researchers should concentrate on developing interventions with larger populations and longer span of follow-up effects.After the literature review conducted by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in England (NICE)(,2009) that supports the benefits of exercise on patients that indicate mild depressive symptoms, the next steps of the research community should be the formulation of cost-effective interventions of moderate exercise that can contemplate the treatment of women diagnosed with postpartum depression (Daley, Jolly,McArthur, 2009). REFERENCES,.(2015). Postpartum Depression Fact Sheet. Retrieved 2 March 2015, from Armstrong, K., Edwards, H. (2004). The effectiveness of a pram-walking exercise programme in reducing depressive symptomatology for postnatal women. International Journal Of Nursing Practice, 10(4), 177-194. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172x.2004.00478.x Currie, J., Develin, E. (2002). STROLL YOUR WAY TO WELL-BEING: A SURVEY OF THE PERCEIVED BENEFITS, BARRIERS, COMMUNITY SUPPORT, AND STIGMA ASSOCIATED WITH PRAM WALKING GROUPS DESIGNED FOR NEW MOTHERS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. Health Care For Women International, 23(8), 882-893. doi:10.1080/07399330290112380 Daley, A., Jolly, K., MacArthur, C. (2009). The effectiveness of exercise in the management of post-natal depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. Family Practice, 26(2), 154-162. doi:10.1093/fampra/cmn101 Dennis CL, Dowswell T. (2013). Psychosocial and psychological interventions for preventing postpartum depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2, Art. No.: CD001134. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001134.pub3,. (2015). EBBP. Retrieved 3 March 2015, from (EPDS), E., Depression., P. (2015). Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Psychology Tools. Retrieved 4 March 2015, from Gilinsky, A., Hughes, A., McInnes, R. (2012). More Active Mums in Stirling (MAMMiS): a physical activity intervention for postnatal women. Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 13(1), 112. doi:10.1186/1745-6215-13-112 Kanotra, S., D’Angelo, D., Phares, T., Morrow, B., Barfield, W., Lansky, A. (2007). Challenges Faced by New Mothers in the Early Postpartum Period: An Analysis of Comment Data from the 2000 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Survey. Matern Child Health J, 11(6), 549-558. doi:10.1007/s10995-007-0206-3 Leon, A., Davis, L., Kraemer, H. (2011). The role and interpretation of pilot studies in clinical research. Journal Of Psychiatric Research, 45(5), 626-629. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.10.008,. (2015). Postnatal depression NHS Choices. Retrieved 2 March 2015, from,. (2009). Depression in adults: The treatment and management of depression in adults | treatments-for-mild-to-moderate-depression | Information for the public | NICE. Retrieved 2 March 2015, from Ohara, M., Swain, A. (1996). Rates and risk of postpartum depression a meta-analysis. Int Rev Psychiatry, 8(1), 37-54. doi:10.3109/09540269609037816 Robertson, E., Celasun, N., and Stewart, D.E. (2003). Risk factors for postpartum depression. In Stewart, D.E., Robertson, E., Dennis, C.-L., Grace, S.L., Wallington, T.(2003). Postpartum depression: Literature review of risk factors and interventions. Strà ¶hle, A. (2008). Physical activity, exercise, depression and anxiety disorders. Journal Of Neural Transmission, 116(6), 777-784. doi:10.1007/s00702-008-0092-x
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The crying game Essay -- essays research papers fc
 ¡Ã‚ §Texts both inform us of the social identities available to us, and problematize them; both police our social selves and subvert them. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Both texts, The Crying Game by Neil Jordan and Loaded by Christos Tsiolkas, use characters within the discourse to project social identities that have been problematized due to social constraints. Throughout this essay, I will focus on sexuality, as this type of social identity has been depicted as a central theme in both texts. The characters from the texts work to, police and subvert their own sexual identities within their social milieu.  ¡Ã‚ §To claim an identity as a homosexual is to claim a place in a system of social regulation ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Connell & Dowsett, 1992). I would firstly like to establish the fact that homosexuality, in its most general sense, has been argued to have been socially constructed, therefore sexuality, in this case homosexuality, has to be considered a form of social identity. I support this with Freud ¡Ã‚ ¦s theory that sexuality is a result of social processes whether it be within the family, cultural, class etc., all such processes assist in forming a particular sexual identity,  ¡Ã‚ § sexualities are not received as a package ¡ arrived at by a highly variable and observable process of construction, not by an  ¡Ã‚ ¥unfolding ¡Ã‚ ¦ of the natural; and that social process is deeply implicated into this construction. ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Connell & Dowsett, 1992). The Crying Game and Loaded, exhibit sexual identities yet in different ways.  ¡Ã‚ §Liberal Humanism ¡Ã‚ ¨ was concerned with universal humanism which tended to homogenise various types of gays and lesbians. It was  ¡Ã‚ §Identity Politics ¡Ã‚ ¨, which was bench- marked in western countries throughout the 1960 ¡Ã‚ ¦s, that appealed to Liberal Humanism and saw that everybody had a right to express themselves and their identities. It was this recognition that distinguished identities within the  ¡Ã‚ §homosexual identity ¡Ã‚ ¨. The increase of sexual personae, diversified drag queens, dykes, macho gays, and from The Crying Game, transvestites. Throughout the novel Loaded, These diversities of homosexual identities were captured. The central character, Ari, repeatedly makes the distinction between these identities and refuses to be homogenised into such a broad identity,  ¡Ã‚ §I hate the word gay. I hate the word homosexual. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Ari would be defined as... ...eks. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Ari admits that this is because the Greek culture is renowned for their gossip and the fact that he is gay would somehow get back to his family,  ¡Ã‚ §Someone may know a friend of my parents, or know an uncle. Greeks have big mouths and word can get around. ¡Ã‚ ¨ It is this example that shows that relation between a person ¡Ã‚ ¦s sexual identity and cultural identity cannot be separated and thus form a trap. Through examples of identity, ethnicity, sexuality, gender and the body from both the film The Crying Game and the book Loaded, I have endeavoured to reveal how social conventions problematize certain identities. Focusing on sexual identities from both texts, it is seen that characters police their social selves and subvert them using their  ¡Ã‚ §homosexual identity ¡Ã‚ ¨. Bibliography „h Loaded, Christos Tsiolkas, 1998 „h The Crying Game, Neil Jordan, 1992 „h Cultural Studies and the New Humanities, Fuery & Mansfield, 1997 „h Rethinking Sex, Connell & Dowsett, 1992 „h Gender As Seriality: Thinking About Women as a Social Collective, Iris Marion Young, 1997 „h The Internationalization of Gay and Lesbian Identities, Dennis Altman, 1998
Friday, July 19, 2019
Capital Punishment Essay - The Horror of the Death Penalty :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Horror of the Death Penalty         The death penalty has existed for well over 4000 years. In 1728 BC the code of Hamurabe was passed to allow legal execution. For centuries capital punishment was a public spectacle: states used executions to demonstrate the ultimate consequence of attacking the state. During the 18th century in England executions attracted tens of thousands of people and in some cases there would be riots. Also in England the church was allowed to burn people alive at the stake for the crime of heresy. Under Queen Mary Tutor (the infamous "Bloody Mary") thousands were executed just for not returning to the Catholic faith. Most of these executions took place in the market place so the public would be aware of what would happen if you decided to follow your own religion. Many burned at the stake were women and some were even children. It is ironic that Christianity is built around forgiveness. Many other gruesome mass executions throughout the ages were performed for minor crimes that today would be classed as mmisdemeanors.         One of the most vicious methods of execution ever invented was geared not only to inflict pain but to provide a gruesome spectacle for the public. It was the English punishment for treason. It is called hanging, drawing and countering. First you would be dragged to the place of execution on a hurdle. This is a type of sled that was attached to the back of a horse. You would be hanged to the brink of death before being cut down. The third stage of the execution is that the persons gentiles would be cut off and burned in front of the body before it was cut from the going to the chest and the intestines would be taken out and also burned, after the body would be cut into four pieces and the head would be displayed for the public. In one case a man at the point of the hanging took a literal running jump in order to break his neck but unfortunately the cord broke instead. This caused him to be totally conscious for the rest of the execution.         In some parts of the world executions are still performed in keeping with traditions of the Catholic church. In the Philippines, since the church believes that Christ died at 3:00 in the afternoon, every execution done in this country is performed at 3:00. Even more unbelievable is the fact that in some Islamic countries executions are performed as they were throughout history. Under Islamic law there is no difference between the church and the state and
High School Cliques Essay -- Posse HS High school groups descriptive E
High school is a combat zone. Perhaps incognito, high school is vile in all ways, shapes, and forms. High school is destruction of humanity. From blondes to redheads, and albinos to bronzed beauties, there is no fair play. Manipulation, deceit, lies, and forbidding grades are the fate of these entire helpless quarry. After many devastating centuries, mankind has learned to adapt to this revolution. Fighting for freedom and molding to the staggering state of affairs, students have mastered separation brilliance and competence, creating differences with style, interests, and appetites. One thing that will never change†¦ there is no escaping these dreadful high school cliques! â€Å"Whatever! She only makes an appearance every month because her parents pay her for every C on her report card.†The prosperous, preppy, popular kids that everyone loves to hate, famous for self involvement, shopping sprees, and cruel intentions. Armani blazers, Dior flats, Kenneth Cole aviators and jewelry from Tiffanys define this clique, along with their pompous arrogance. The survival of the preps would be slim to none without their faithful limousine chauffeurs, personal fashion coordinators, gourmet chefs and faithful butlers. This group is complete with haughty drama queens and wealthy heirs. Useless without their army of followers, these pitiful spectators have watched the high school incessant battles from afar, sipping champagne, and eating caviar. Dim-witted jocks that have yet to comprehend the overexposure of the lettermen’s jacket stand alone in the food chain. Pumping iron, chugging protein shakes, and buns of steel are the athlete’s top priorities. Fear of academic probation limits their success. Constantly being tackled, foul... ...ticular population lies the future Bill Gates! Last, and usually not even present, are the high school burnouts. Seeing them make it halfway through a year without dropping out is like witnessing a miracle. Sleeping in class, lighting smoke bombs in the hallways, bringing drugs and weapons to school, and getting sent to the principal’s office are the rebel’s means of survival. Ordering pizza and guzzling soda is more appetizing to the burnouts than attending class. Rumor has it that even teachers go out of their way to avoid these radicals. So gather up your grenades and stock up on artillery. Find a secluded location and assemble a trench. Begin dodging the deception and malice of the preps, the jocks, the hicks, the goths, the nerds, and the drug addicts. These are the dire high school cliques that have furthered the destruction of humanity.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Higher education in Canada Essay
Nowadays, most of the people in the world will have a chance to get educated. Many high school and colleges graduates would like to attend four-year University or higher education. They believed that education is a code to help them get success. But why people need to be educated, and what is the purpose of education? When we were young, we thought that we go to school is because of family expectation. After we grow up, we think that it is because of popular trend, people who get higher degree will get more success. But these are not the answer. Education is the key to explore our own life because its purpose is to train good members of society, to help people live better, and to explore our limit in order to upgrade our ability in our daily life. Education helps our society to train good members. According to John Henry Newman, the author of †The Idea of a University†, pointed out that †education neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other†. (53) University cannot promise to create a generation of heroes, presidents or genius, but it can educate people knowledge, skills and experiences of social life, and let them learn to respect, to consult, to aid each other. Education also focuses on training students’ ability, †It teaches him to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought, to detect what is sophistical, and to discard what is irrelevant. †. (53) Education will give people a clear conscious view of everything around them, and let them distinguish what is right and what is wrong of their own opinions and judgments. Therefore, weare able to accommodate ourselves to others, influence to others, and come to an understanding with others. University education is the great means to †raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste†. (54) Education helps people to live better. In the †Learning in the Key of Life†, Shorris, a novelist and journalist, said that †Do all rich people, or people who are in the middle, know the humanities? Not a chance. But some do. And it helps. It helps to live better and enjoy life more. Will the humanities make you rich? Absolutely. But not in terms of money. In terms of life†. (67) In other word, education can help us to become rich on both ways of money and life. Of course, between those we consider well educated and those who are poorly or inadequately schooled, people accept the higher education always have a better life. They can get more than the others who has lower income level, and make their life easier. People who received higher education have more power to dictate their life. For example, they can plan our community, adjust our workweeks and even control the world financial markets. In the †Learning in the key of life†, Jon Spayde pointed †that kind of power has everything to do with attitude and access: an attitude of empowerment, even entitlement, and access to tools, people, and ideas that make living at any income level easier, and its crises easier to bear†. (67)Education is a light to illuminate our future, the more education we have, more bright future we will have. Education helps us to explore our limit in order to upgrade our ability in our daily life. According to David Orr, Oberlin College environment professor, he pointed out that university focus on teaching in high-tech training call †Slow Knowledge†, which is †resilience, harmony, and preservation of long-standing patterns that give our lives aesthetic, spiritual, and social meaning†. (68) For example, we cannot finish a 1,000-page novel in one second,because we need to watch the novel step by step and understand the story. We all are slow learners. Although we get academic education,we need to get experience from life in order to explore our limits. As Jon Spayde mention, †is it any wonder that many of us are beginning to feel that we didn’t get the whole story in school, that our educations didn’t prepare us for the world we’re living in today? †. (67) In addition to education, we also should learning from life and learning from experienceto enrich our life, and make our life easier. Education is a basis for our society. It also can train good members of society, to makeour life better, and enhance our ability in our daily life. Growth is a characteristic of life, so education is growing. It can help people be stronger and wiser. We should be awise old owland use our knowledge to make our life and society better. Word Cited Henry Newman, John. â€Å"The Idea of a University. †Lunsford, Andrea, and John Ruskiewicz, eds. THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS: VOICES AND IMAGES THAT CALL FOR RESPONSE. 5TH ED. BOSTON : Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2008. Print Spayde, John. â€Å"Learning in the Key of Life. †Lunsford, Andrea, and John Ruskiewicz, eds. THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS: VOICES AND IMAGES THAT CALL FOR RESPONSE. 5TH ED. BOSTON : Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2008.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Intelligence vs. Brain Size
Intelligence vs. Brain sizing Project 2 info army College Algebra 161 November 15, 2012 Intelligence vs. Brain coat The Data Collection digest was designed to instruct students how to collect, and organize, describe and written document info victimization Excel lists and graphs. I chose this particular upshot to explore to advertize my understanding of the phylogeny of human species. Can intelligence and instinct size of it be directly related, and as intelligence increases, what happens to the size of our brains? I conducted my research through the internet by hard-hitting for previous, credi put back research by psyche trained the in the field of Anthropology. The website that I found to have to most usable discipline needed to conduct an prolonged research with adequate background autobiography in the subject was Creation Studies. org. The website contained an phrase written by the institutes chief technical advisor, Steven Rowitt, Th. M. , Ph. D. After reviewi ng the info contained in the article, I was able to cast a hypothesis.My hypothesis is that as homo evolve, and intelligence increases, so does the size of the brain. The tools employ in this project were the website from which I obtained the information and Microsoft excel which I utilise to document and map the data. Using that data I was able to theorise a graph, and a mathematical form that could test and subscribe to my hypothesis. The graph shows you the curl of growth in brain size, per ____(one thousand years.However you decide to chart it)- The mathematical model formulated from the graphed data, bequeath allow future examen to check if the trend still continues, or if the size of a human brain reaches a maximum or minimum. The goal was to chart previous data collected by experts to support my hypothesis as good as predict and test the size of human brains in the future if the trend continued and develop a running(a) equivalence to represent the findings. I began by amass 12 points of data of the total size of human brains at a specific time (years) in history.I save the average size of the brain in the year that correlated it. After collecting the data, I planted the data in Excel and used a outflank line fit to give me a elongated equation/linear backsliding model to represent my data. See table below We entered the data is as follows The fencesitter variable was the make out of pencil eraser destinys which equal the x axis. The dependent variable was how outlying(prenominal) the fruitcake fell, which represented the y axis. We chose a domain of 0 to 25 because the act of rubber bands we used aimd from 0 bands to 15 bands.By choosing a domain or an x-axis of this derive, it gives you a graph that allows you to see the line foregone 15 rubber bands. We went with a range for of 0 to 90 inches because according to our data, the maximum number of inches that the nut case dropped was 67 inches so in order to get a be tter picture of the data we all-inclusive the y-axis to 90 inches. The linear regression model that fitted our data was D(r) = 3. 948r + 5. 758, with the y-intercept being (0, 5. 758) and m= 3. 948 inches.Interpretation for the data in the context of the study establish on our linear regression model, is at zero rubber bands, the lump would beam 5. 758 inches, and with each added rubber band the egg would exceed an additional 3. 948 inches. To test this linear regression equation we were given a length of 67 inches. To mathematically figure for 67 inches to predict the number of rubber bands needed, we solved for (r) as follows D(r) = 3. 948r + 5. 758 67(r) = 3. 948r + 5. 758 r = 15. 5 What we concluded from our mathematical prediction was that it would bring in 15. rubber bands to have a roaring take root of 67 inches. Because it was non down-to-earth to use 15. 5 rubber bands, we went with 15 instead. This was a realistic prediction because the length that the egg fell was 66 inches, without elevated any damage to the egg and expiration us 1 inch from the accredited test pass judgment of 67 inches. Had we used 16 rubber bands instead, based on our linear regression model which states that for any rubber band added the egg would fall an additional 3. 948 inches it would have left our fall around 69. 48 inches and as a go forth leaving us to a greater extent than 2 inches from the original test value of 67 inches. Reasons for error in the project could be based on some(prenominal) components. The elasticity of the rubber bands varies from band to band which would cause a difference in the length of the fall and a permute not resulting in a dispose of 3. 948 inches. During the earlier part of the project, for an unknown reason, provided not as a result of the test, the egg cracked, resulting in a affirmable change in the distribution of the free weight of the egg and affecting the resulting length of the fall.And further more if our linear regression equation was tested in the future, the results may not be the same if another egg was used due to the mass of every egg varying. In summary, after testing several jumps involving a different number of rubber bands each time and save the corresponding length of how far the egg fell we had enough data to plot a scatter graph and formulate a linear regression equation that we could test any hypothesis without having to extract the project itself.Discoveries made during the project was the limiting comparison in the tested data and the mathematical equation formulated by using excel or a scientific calculator. For an example when we tested 1 rubber band, the egg fell 10. 5 inches. Using the equation to solve for the dish out D(r) = 3. 948(r) + 5. 758 D(r) = 3. 948(1) + 5. 758 D(r) = 9. 706 inches The experiment itself and the equation formulated from it, although not precise, it is an accurate representation of real outcomes of the amount of stretch in the rubber bands as shown in the comparison model above.
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